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Sudden Terrorization by Curious Dogs

Sudden Terrorization by Curious Dogs

So I got home from work tonight and of course went to check the garden and make sure i didn’t kill anything before the day is over. While doing so i usually let Chaos out to do his business (along with Lucky tonight) and he makes a be line to the back end of the...
Seen the Bees Today, The Flowers Love Them

Seen the Bees Today, The Flowers Love Them

So today I awoke to go let Mr. “Garden Muncher” Chaos, and his buddy “On the Sneak Snacker” Lucky out to go pee today and what do I see, but some honey bees picking around my flowers. This is the first time I’ve actually caught the bees...
The Garden is Overgrown with Grass

The Garden is Overgrown with Grass

So it starts, we recently planted a small garden with some basics in order to get our feet wet and try to grow something we can eat on our own. We ended up choosing the usual beginner plants: tomatoes, corn, onions, cucumber, watermelon, and some pepper plants both...